Privacy Policy

Some information about us

We want you to know that we take protecting your personal information seriously. Your privacy and how we handle your details is very important to all of us at Nation.
Nation is part of Coronation Property, an Australian real estate and property group, with an integrated development, construction and asset management capability.
Nation is the Build-to-Rent arm of the Coronation Property. Nation's key activity is operating large scale apartment buildings that are purpose designed and built for renters for the sole purpose of leasing. 

How privacy is handled by Nation and Coronation Property

Nation and Coronation Property are committed to supporting the ‘National Privacy Principles for the Fair Handling of Personal Information’ and complying with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth Australia), which has set clear standards and guidelines for the collection, access, storage and use of Personal Information, which Nation and Coronation Property may obtain during the course of our business with you.
In order to provide you with services, Nation may ask for personal details such as your name, address, telephone number or e-mail address. Australian Privacy laws allow Nation to collect Personal Information directly from individuals who choose to share this information if it is reasonable and practical to do so. Where Personal Information is collected about you from another source, Coronation Property will take reasonable steps to ensure that you are made aware of:


As you browse Nation and Coronation Property and other websites, online ad networks we work with may place anonymous cookies on your computer, and use similar technologies, in order to understand your interests based on your (anonymous) online activities, and thus to tailor more relevant ads to you.


The Personal Information collected is generally used to provide you with services pertaining to your occupation of Nation-run properties. This may include disclosure on a confidential basis to third parties, agents or suppliers (including entities within the Coronation Property corporate group) who assist in the provision of such services. Additionally, disclosure of your personal information may occur where entities who may acquire an interest in a property you lease (including a prospective purchaser of the property or new real estate agent). Nation will not otherwise use or share your Personal Information for any purpose other than for the purpose for which it was provided


You may contact Nation at any time to correct the Personal Information held about you.


Nation takes measures to ensure your Personal Information is protected from unauthorised access, loss, misuse, disclosure or alteration. Personal Information may be stored in different ways (electronically and physically).Nation uses security procedures to protect all Personal Information held. Internal access to and use of Personal Information within Nation is limited in order to prevent misuse or unlawful disclosure of that Personal Information by others.


If you have any issues you wish to communicate or would like to discuss about the Privacy Policy, please contact us by letter or by email with your issues or queries.